The Broadlink motion sensor: The Working Principle, Best Practices and More

A useful sensor for home automation that can detect in-house motions and activate scenes and gadgets is the broad link motion sensor. Additionally, it keeps an eye out for unauthorised entrances and notifies you by phone. A broadlink motion sensor supports IFTTT, triggers scenes and controls gadgets with ease when motion is detected, and sends out push notifications for unwanted access.

motion sensor

But there are other motion sensors in the market too. A buyer might get confused because of this.

Points of Difference
Both companies and homeowners find tremendous use in motion sensors since they improve home security and safety while also being convenient and energy-efficient. In comparison to conventional choices, smart sensors offer the same benefits with considerably more end-user control.

The end-user usefulness increases significantly when an app has access to these features, which often dial on the physical device that is frequently placed in awkward locations and whose circuit switch is only available when the user is at home. Although the wiring is the same as for a motion sensor, the user experience is superior.

The Working Principle

A broadlink motion sensor uses PIR technology- to detect infrared energy that all living beings give off as heat to the surroundings. So, when an intruder or a dog is around your house, there is a sudden increase in temperature, this sensor will notice the change and notify a notification regarding the intruder at your house even when you’re not at home. The best aspect is that slight temperature variations can be corrected voluntarily so that you won't have to worry about your dogs inadvertently activating alarms.

Things to keep in Mind
Place motion detectors in places where trespassers are most likely to enter.
Mount motion detectors at a height of 6 to 8 feet minimum.
Verify that nothing is in the way of your motion sensor's line of sight.
Keep motion sensors away from radiators, air vents, and other heat sources.
In climate-controlled spaces, use motion sensors.
Position motion sensors such that approaching intruders must walk away from the sensor rather than toward it.

Best Place
For the best functioning, you need to place your smart motion sensor in the right place. The performance of your motion sensors might be significantly impacted by their placement.

Corners: The best view of the area below can be achieved by mounting a motion sensor in the corner of your room. Just make sure there are no obstacles in the path of the sensor and that it is aimed at the doorway.

Front and back doors: Smart motion sensors installed above doorways keep them hidden and practically eliminate the possibility of an intrusion without an alarm going off.

High-traffic areas: Motion sensors installed in stairways, main halls, and other high-traffic locations ensure that intruders set off the alarm regardless of where they are attempting to get.

Valuables: If you place a smart motion detector close to or behind priceless things, anyone attempting to move or steal them will trigger the alarm.

Basements: Your basement might be used as a covert access point by burglars; therefore, it's a good idea to install motion sensors there. The sensors should be pointed at doors and windows with no obstructions for the best results.


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